Archangel Tzafkiel

Archangel of deep contemplation & divine wisdom

Archangel Tzafkiel is the Archangel of deep contemplation and divine wisdom. She is known as the guardian of the Akasha records (book of Life) and the cosmic Mother.

She helps us to apply the divine feminine principle in our daily lives, which is conceived as the vessel of life, that contains, nurtures and protects.


Archangel Tzafkiel holds the lilac ray of enlightenment, which brings deep emotional healing, inner peace, objectivity and concentration. The lilac colour represents spiritual transformation and purity. It resonates with our fifth eye chakra (Lalata chakra), also known as the Angel chakra, located at the crest of our forehead. It consists of eight bluish white petals.

Archangel Tzafkiel brings wisdom to stimulate our spiritual growth. She removes all obstacles blocking our spiritual development and dissolves old karma.


Archangel Tzafkiel’s keys

If we are ready to develop a close relationship with the angels and to receive their love, light, and guidance in our lives, we can ask Archangel Tzafkiel to activate the keys in our consciousness, that open the doors to the Angelic realms.

Archangel Tzafkiel encourages us to practise the angelic qualities in our daily lives, like being loving, compassionate, and generous towards ourselves and others.


Archangel Tzafkiel leads us to books, websites, and meditation practises, to learn more about the angels and get familiar with their energy.


Channeled message

My angel keys have a symbolic meaning representing five important qualities, which will help raise your vibration and experience the angels more intensively in your life. First and foremost, I would like to bring your awareness to Love, the biggest and most powerful force in the universe.

This is the energy of the angels, pure unconditional love, which will fill you up completely.

First angel key – inviting the angels

This symbolic key is about inviting the angels into your life, which is a conscious first step, made with a pure and sincere heart. Without your invitation we can’t interfere in your life, because of your free will. The only thing, that is required is an open and receptive heart. Take time to be still, then ask your question and I will happily respond by activating your angel keys. The first key represents an invitation and a first step, that only you can take.

Second angel key – spiritual balance

The second key represents spiritual balance. Making the choice to clear and balance your chakras to raise your vibration and open your clear channels. This will make it easier for you to experience, feel, hear or see us. It will also enable the divine energy, filled with love, light and wisdom, to flow through you and bring you the guidance and blessings you need. Be an open and clear channel for the angels to work with!

Third angel key – authenticity & self-love

The third key represents authenticity and self-love. It is important, that you fully embrace yourself for the person that you are with all your unique qualities and characteristics. Be yourself, without false pretences, show the world who you truly are. Make an inventory of the values, that are important to you, define what you stand for. Your true self is magnificent, divine and radiant. Let Love guide you back to your true self.

Fourth angel key – positivity

The fourth key represents the Law of attraction. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and keep a positive outlook on this world and other people, because if the energy you radiate out is positive, you will equally attract positive energy to fill your life. When you look at this world and other people with love and compassion and formulate positive expectations, the endless flow of abundance can flow freely and bring you everything you wish for. You simply focus on what you do want and not on what you don’t want!

Fifth angel key – shining your love & light

The fifth key is about shining the love that is inside you. If you are filled with love and if you are your authentic self, you will shine your light into this world. You will become a radiant and inspiring example to others. This is the reason you came here, that is your mission, to bring love and light into this world in your own unique way!

When you follow this action plan and let me support you by activating your angel keys, you will fly on angels’ wings and flow effortlessly on the loving energy-stream of the universe.

If I activate your angel keys and you open your heart and allow your love and light to grow, you will become a beacon of light in this world. You will be a human channel for divine love to flow through and everyone who feels this energy will react to it, whether they know it or not!

Go and shine your light, my dear children! Ask me to support you and I will be of service to you without hesitation!

-Archangel Tzafkiel-



If you would like to receive personal angelic guidance from Archangel Tzafkiel, another Archangel of your choice, or your guardian angel, please be sure to check out my angel readings!



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© Flowing with angels – 2023