Angel healing

As a certified, advanced angelic healing practitioner, I offer distant angel healings.

A distant healing is just as effective as a healing performed in person, because the angelic healing energy is limitless and everpresent. It offers you the opportunity to relax and enjoy the healing in the comfort of your own home.

During a healing session, I receive additional guidance and messages from the angels, that I will share with you afterwards by email.

An angelic healing session has a duration of 60 minutes.


€ 75,00

A high frequency angel healing, that purifies your body and energy field, and fills you up with angelic love and healing light.

This powerful energy will continue to work its magic in the weeks following your healing.



“A remarkable and powerful healing, very relaxing and yet immediately effective. While I received my distant healing, I felt some bodily sensations around my neck and heart and energy flowing through me and then I fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, it felt as if the world had changed completely. It felt as if the world, as I had always known it, was dissolving, and I couldn’t yet see what was emerging in its place. I was wide awake again, and I felt incredibly calm with a deep sense of inner peace. I saw a sea of unlimited possibilities before me. The next day I felt more balanced and filled with loads of energy. I think you captured my main theme very well in the impressions you received during the healing session. I feel a lot more safe in this world now!” – Caroline Mijnhout

“I worked with Marielle as her client and very much appreciate her deep knowledge and sincere integrity. She has an innate ability to meet you where you are and communicate effectively and productively through the angels. Her energy is uplifting whilst being kind, comforting and her authenticaticity is very apparent. Marielle’s healing and coaching has cemented my relationship with the higher realms and been of great benefit. She’s wonderful.” – anonymous 

“I have already enjoyed multiple healings at “Flowing with Angels”. Before the healing started, I was asked if there were any specific topics, that I wished to be taken in account during the healing session. The healing was intense and very pleasant. I noticed that there was a lot going on energetically. The healing is also very relaxing and is complemented by soft meditation music playing in the background, which adds to the atmosphere. I felt completely relaxed and at ease during the healing and slowly woke up again afterwards. After the healing was finished, we spoke about its content and came to some wonderful conclusions. I was touched by the clear and thorough answers I received to my questions. I warmly recommend this healing to anyone, who is in search of relaxation, answers to questions or energy related problems!!” – anonymous