
Stop-reset-go! program

Learn to create a new momentum in your life by implementing spiritual truths and energy-tools and maintaining a higher energy-frequency, that will bring more joy, happiness, and fulfilment into your life.


Energy tools

Powerful instruments gifted by the angels, that promote insight, focus, healing, and manifestation, when applied in your daily life. The heart healing unit is used in the relationship reading.


Ice cream program

A three part angelic coaching program on love and relationships, that was inspired by my guardian angel. It offers a unique perspective on how to improve and heal your relationships.


The flower of healing

A four-part-healing-tool, that provides insight on your inner divine masculine and feminine energies and your physical and spiritual focus and flow. When these aspects within yourself are balanced, you reach a state of enlightenment and well-being. The inner balance reading is based on the flower of healing.


The spiritual sun and the enlightened heart

Learn how to balance the energies of your spiritual sun (element of fire) with the energies of your heart (element of water) to experience more freedom, flow, and spiritual alignment in your life.